What is a Cottage Home?
How cottages have changed.
Many are now living full-time in what was the family cottage or vacation home. Some are on lakes, rivers or are a cabin on the banks of a favorite trout fishing stream! Others enjoy ocean beach front cottages! An entire industry has emerged devoted to the atmosphere, sense and feeling of the cottage living lifestyle and cottage home decor.
The new cottage lifestyle
Retiring baby boomers are beginning to enjoy the adjustment to a downsized lifestyle. Visit any major bookstore to discover books and magazines which are devoted to an entire culture of the cottage living lifestyle and cottage style decorating!
A simple but elegant personal look
Decorating cottage style makes it easy to create rooms of relaxed simplicity brimming with comfortable charm. Add your own special flair every time you change pillows, create new slipcovers, add a stack of books on a new floral tablecloth. Paint the room and add new curtains and fluff up the pillows and plop down on the couch and curl up for a relaxing evening your way, in cottage style.